Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Secret: A review

The Secret by Rhonda Byrne is a book that has changed the way I approach life. The way I think. The way I speak. It has transformed me as an individual.

Primarily focusing on the importance and relevance of positive thinking, this book explores the lives of many individuals, who through their exceptional mind power have overcome fateful accidents, financial constraints to make their life into one of happiness and prosperity.

The book begins with the “Law of attraction” which focuses on the idea that we attract into life, what we think. It explores the influence of negative thoughts on our daily lives. Every individual tends on focus on what he doesn't want rather than what he wants in life. This was true in my case too. That’s the nature of thought process. If you can devote ten minutes of your time after reading about the law of attraction, you might realize the mistakes that you do.

Life is how you structure it to be. If it’s not going the way you precisely we want it to, the structuring, rather the thought process in you, needs a refinement. The present is a reflection of the thoughts you have culminated through the years.

Universe is a Catalogue

The Universe is perceived to act as a catalogue, where you can flip through its pages to get what you desire. The beauty in life lies in the fact that no two people have the same needs.
“Money doesn't grow on trees son”- The most common phrase I hear from my dad. We always believe that money or wealth is accumulated through hard work. This book changes the way we think about money. It’s probably easy to earn money after all!!

Medical miracles are often seen where people, completely bedridden fight it through to success in life. Our body is a product of our thoughts. “ I've seen kidneys regenerated. I've seen cancer dissolves. I've seen eyesight improve and come back”, says Dr. Michael Bernard Beckwith. Real life stories are stated as examples which you can’t argue with.

In a few cases people might be financially well off but they fail in their relationships. They fail to attract the right people into their lives. You need to understand yourself as an individual before you expect others to understand you. When you don’t appreciate yourself how can others? In the quantum physic level, Dr Fred Alan Wolf explains how the molecules of energy vibrate with constant positive thoughts. 

The complete book is a vicious circle of the positive thought process. For those who feel you are an extremely positive person I recommend you to read this book because you can make your life even better. You need extreme dedication to incorporate the thought process that is explained in detail in this book. But once this gets into routine, you will find that the results are life transforming. I have truly experienced the fruits of my positive thoughts which made me fight health problems. 

This book is worth millions!!! Shelling out 600 bucks is definitely worth it if you believe in it. If you feel that’s not worth, just watch “Secret- The Movie” where the book has been made into a movie by Paul Harrington. It kindles the feeling of positivity and self-belief in you.  Visit for more information about the book.

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